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Used and new machines

Process- and packaging machines

Vials washer (No. M.LRA040.01)

Producer Rota
Type RW 50
Year of construction 2002
Dimension ca. [in mm] 4000 x 1700 x 2000
Weight ca. [in kg] 1000
Country of origin Germany
Link to the producer rota.de
Machine Description

Washer for efficient and gentle washing of ampoules, vials and bottles. Output: up to 3'600 vials/h. Plant incl. format parts for 5-, 10- and 20 ml vials (Ø 20 / 24 / 30 mm), as well as spare parts etc.

The washer is suitable for autom. washing of bottles with a diameter of 18 - 66 mm.
Max. object height 150 mm. The machine is fitted with:
- Infeed turntable (Ø 800 mm)
- SIP for water circuits
- Laminar-flow unitt
- outfeed magazine for cassettes
- Circuit for WFI / 80° C
- Circuit for sterile air for blowing out the bottles>

Technical data without guarantee




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