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Used and new machines

Process- and packaging machines

Vacuum mixer / granulator (No. 01P0075005)

Producer GEA/Collette
Type Ultima 75
Year of construction 2002
Dimension ca. [in mm] 1300 x 1600 x 2300
Weight ca. [in kg] 2500
Country of origin Belgium
Link to the producer www.gea.com
Machine Description

Gral high shear granulator, stainless steel construction, 75 liter shell hopper with vessel scale, side reject with side discharge, stand alone construction for main mixer.

This one-pot processor is suitable for effective and fast mixing, granulating and drying in the same container. In explosion-proof version, for wall installation. Mixer incl.:
  • - Double jacket with isolated and swiveling process vessel

  • - Double-walled lid

  • - Mixer and chopper

  • - System for Transflo drag gas drying 

  • - Vacuum drying system

  • - Product/liquid loading system

  • - Separate control panel

  • - Temperature control unit up to 85°C

  • - Separate control and pneumatic cabine.
Batch size: 25-50 Liter (hopper content: 75 liters)
. Temp. in double jacket: 20-85° C. 

Technical data without guarantee




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